Saturday, June 24, 2006


Wiral's stats


Only Machines move across this ravaged planet's surface. Wiralons all moved into the lobes of an electro brain.

Despite the fact that the whole planet of Wiral is all machiens now it wasn't made synthetically. It was one of the first planets in the galaxy (Along with Geolyte, Heavendor, Lastar, and Lacturth, where the people of Suburbion used to live). Wiral was always ahead of its time, while early Geolyte had just discovered the water weel they had already purfected it and made hydroelectric dams. A few hundred years later they knew they would destroy their planet and they would not be able to live there, so instead of halting their progress they moved into bodies that didn't need energy that organic creatures did. Today the planet is totally ravaged and inhosptable, but the Wiralons did that on purpose because they didin't need an organic planet. Because of their advanced discoverys they have contributed much to the galaxy, including the creation of the false atmosphere of Layazero, The entire creation of Granest and its people, the prevention of the portal of Thirnova closing, and alot more things. The current up to date robot body can allow Wiralons to control electricity.


Electronic Nymphs: shared with Mekks

Speed of Majic

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